Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pengalaman Melahirkan part 1
20 april 2010, check up terakhir..... utk minggu ke 39. hurm.... lagi beberapa hari ja lg nak genap 40 minggu Ibu mengendong bby A dlm perot... ke hulu ke hilir Ibu bwk bby A. mcm2 perasaan.. x sabar... takut... berdebar..
doc kham kata semakin lama bby dok dlm perot.. makin ia membesar... mmg betul lah sbb perot daku pon dah nampak kebuncitan nyah.... sumer org pon kata mmg besar perot Ibu nih. doc kham check.. dah ada bukaan tapi baru 1cm... uhuuu time ni daku happy sgt.... x sabar nak tunggu waktu SAKIT... doc bg MC seminggu.. doc kata kalo masih x sakit lg... minggu depan 26hb mai kinik smula.. doc nak check bukaan lg..
dlm hati girang x terkata... dpt mc pon Ibu bukan dok umah.. asik meayap ja.. siap ikut abah g wat assignment die lagik.... ahaks
Saturday, April 10, 2010
aduiiii sakit nyerr
Kram kaki pada ibu hamil (bumil) merupakan keluhan yang sering diungkapkan oleh bumil saat kunjungan antenatal care (ANC). Serangan kram ini sering timbul dimalam hari. Bagi yang pernah mengalami pasti tahu betul gimana rasanya kram (cramp) dan setelah serangannya, nyeri yang timbul bisa menetap sampai saat bangun pagi.
Wanita hamil lebih sering mengalami kram, diduga karena kelelahan otot didaerah kaki yang harsu menahan beban berat tubuh yang bertambah. Hal ini diperberat lagi oleh aliran darah dari kaki yang tidak lancar akibat terbendung oleh pembesaran rahim. (Sering juga mengakibatkan pembuluh vena di kaki melebar). Ada pendapat yang mengatakan kram ini terjadi akibat kekurangan kalsium dan kalium serta kelebihan Fosfor, untuk itu nggak ada salahnya mengkonsumsi kalsium dan kalium ( konsultasi dulu ke dokter) serta menghindari fosfor (minuman bersoda, snack ringan).
Berikut adalah usaha yang dapat dilakukan guna mengurangi terjadinya kramp:
# Hindari berdiri ataupun duduk dengan melipat kaki dalam jangka waktu yg lama.
# Lakukan peregangan (stretching) betis dan kaki pada saat siang hari dan sebelum tidur.
# Putar2 pergelangan kaki dan goyangkan ibu jari kaki pada saat duduk.
# Usahakan melakukan OR jalan tiap hari, minimal 10 menit.
# Berbaring dengan posisi miring kiri guna memperlancar aliran darah balik.
# Istiahat jika kelelahan dan angkat / tinggikan kaki jika mungkin.
# Pakai stoking khusus hamil.
# Mandi air hangat untuk merelaksasikan otot kaki sebelum tidur.
# Banyak minum air putih.
# Makan suplemen hamil yang mengandung magnesium
Tipe kram pada otot:
True cramps
True cramps involve part or all of a single muscle or a group of muscles that generally act together, such as the muscles that flex several adjacent fingers. Most authorities agree that true cramps are caused by hyperexcitability of the nerves that stimulate the muscles. They are overwhelmingly the most common type of skeletal muscle cramps. True cramps can occur in a variety of circumstances as follows.
In tetany, all of the nerve cells in the body are activated, which then stimulate the muscles. This reaction causes spasms or cramps throughout the body. The name tetany is derived from the effect of the tetanus toxin on the nerves. However, the name is now commonly applied to muscle cramping from other conditions, such as low blood levels of calcium and magnesium. Low calcium and low magnesium, which increase the activity of nerve tissue non-specifically, also can produce tetanic cramps. Often, such cramps are accompanied by evidence of hyperactivity of other nerve functions in addition to muscle stimulation. For instance, low blood calcium not only causes spasm of the muscles of the hands and wrists, but it can also cause a sensation of numbness and tingling around the mouth and other areas.
Sometimes, tetanic cramps are indistinguishable from true cramps. The accompanying changes of sensation or other nerve functions that occurs with tetany may not be apparent because the cramp pain is masking or distracting from it.
Contractures result when the muscles are unable to relax for an even more extended period than a common muscle cramp. The constant spasms are caused by a depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy chemical within the cell. This prevents muscle fiber relaxation. The nerves are inactive in this form of muscle spasm.
Contractures can be inherited (for example, McArdle's disease, which is a defect of the breakdown of glycogen to sugar within the muscle cell) or acquired (for example, hyperthyroid myopathy, which is a muscle disease that is associated with an overactive thyroid). Cramps of this category are uncommon.
Dystonic cramps
The final category is dystonic cramps, in which muscles that are not needed for the intended movement are stimulated to contract. Muscles that are affected by this type of cramping include those that ordinarily work in the opposite direction of the intended movement, and/or others that exaggerate the movement. Some dystonic cramps usually affect small groups of muscles (eyelids, jaws, neck, larynx, etc.). The hands and arms may be affected during the performance of repetitive activities such as those associated with handwriting (writer's cramp), typing, playing certain musical instruments, and many others. Each of these repetitive activities may also produce true cramps from muscle fatigue. Dystonic cramps are not as common as true cramps.
Cara mengatasi Kram Otot: baca disini:
- Stress or fatigue in the foot – An overworked foot is often susceptible to foot cramps.
- Poor circulation – Foot cramp is caused by lack of oxygen being carried to the foot.
- Lack of potassium – This important mineral, found in salt, helps regulate body chemistry and keep you foot cramp free.
- Dehydration – Lack of water in the muscles contribute to foot cramps.
- Changing hormone levels – Foot cramps may occur while muscle tissue adjusts to these changes.
- Pinched nerves – Caused when the electrical impulse from the brain cannot reach the muscle, this can cause foot cramps, numbness and other symptoms.
- Alcohol or tobacco use – Since both lend to dehydration, poor circulation and toxicity, these are a triple threat for foot cramps.
- Nutritional deficiency – A healthy diet, complete with all essential nutrients can keep muscles and nerves functioning normally.
- Environmental toxicity – Certain “poisons” we encounter (via factories, contaminated water, etc.) may play a role in increased foot cramps.
- Chemical sensitivity – Some prescriptions may change the conditions in the body and make foot cramps more likely.
Mengatasi Kram Kaki:
No matter what the cause of a foot cramp, there's ways to relieve the pain. Here are some tips for treating foot cramps:
- Slowly pull the foot away from the cramping position and hold it there until the foot cramp disappears.Try massaging the foot for five to 10 minutes until the foot cramp feels better.
- Take a dose of aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve a foot cramp
- Elevate your foot to the level of your waist.
- If the foot cramp comes from an athletic injury, apply an ice pack around the foot cramp, no directly on it.
- Use moist heat on the foot cramp three times a day if cramping is chronic
- Try a warm foot soak
- Wrap the foot in an elastic bandage, if necessary
- Stay off your foot and give the foot cramp a chance to heal.
- See a doctor about chronic and persistent foot cramps.
minggu ke 38
Kepala bayi turun ke ruang pelvik. Bentuk bayi semakin membulat dan kulitnya menjadi merah jambu. Rambutnya tumbuh dengan lebat dan bertambah 5cm. Kuku terbentuk dengan sempurna. Bayi sudah bisa melihat adanya cahaya diluar rahim. Bayi pada saat ini sedang belajar untuk mengenal aktifitas harian, selain itu bayi juga sedang belajar untuk melakukan pernafasan walaupun pernafasannya masih dilakukan di dalam air. Berat badan bayi di minggu ini 2700-2800 gram, dengan tinggi 48-49 cm
Minggu ke-38 hingga minggu ke-40 : Proses pembentukan telah berakhir dan bayi siap dilahirkan.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Bby A 33 weeks
Tapi ari ni sempat gak g check up ... for 33 weeks...
memula g daftar kat ILSAS dulu... masuk kelas jap.... tea time ja... Ibu kuar.. amik abah kat umah... then terus g kinik. uhuuu no. 32 daa... tu lah bahananya datang lewat. so lepak2 ja lah kat luar kinik tu sambil teman abah baca paper... tup2... ibu nampak doc kuar, then masuk lak pintu EMERGENCY.... herrmmm sah2 lah ada org nak terberanak dah tu.... x sampai 1jam pastu.. doc masuk kinik blk. ibu pon masuk arr kinik.. amik BP reading.. ermm.. normal mcm biasa. urine pon normal gak... timbang... hhehheee semestinya NAIK lagik kan.... ari ni berat ibu 59.2kg.... yeahhhhhhh. then ibu dok je la menunggu giliran yg byk tu... naik musan wooo.. ngantok pon ada... abah pon ngantok gak teman ibu.. tapi itu bahana suka tido mlm lewat.. so jgn salahkan ibu arr eh..
tunggu punya tunggu...... kul13.30pm nama ibu dipanggil.... akhirnya... yeahhhh234...
Then dah salam2... tanya khabar ngan doc... ibu baring lah... tup..tup... doc dpt call EMERGENCY again!!!!
ya ampun.... dah dpt masuk bilik doc pon still kena tunggu lagi.... lagi ngan.. ngantok arr sbb bilik doc ada air cond beesttt punya... 30minint lak tunggu.... lastly doc sampai gak... check punya check bby A sudah berat 2.35KG... ya ampun... patut arrr sudah susah benar bdn ibu mahu bergerak.. rupanya bby Ibu dah besar ya...
so next appointment 23 mac 2010 lak. then ibu ngan abah g mkn kat Restoran Amir. pastu blk... ibu mandi2.. solat.. terus g kelas smula.. uhuuu letih
Monday, March 08, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Again... adeh
eiiiii jahat tul
pas abah g kije.... ibu rehat2.. ttiba rasa nak beri2... ermm... skali ja kan.. SEMBELIT lagi... ya ampun... so spantas kilat ibu minum syrup ubat ngan olive oil... adeh la.... elok ja kat ctu... eeeiii kuar arrrr... 2jam bertarung ngan 'die'.. uhuuu mcm2 ibu buat 2jam tu... jawap soklan buku sekolah bby A la, cepit kuku la, baca majalah lah, tgk tb la, main2 tenet la... siap leh bukak FB lagik.. hahhahahaa
akhirnya... 2jam kemudian.... kuar jugak 'ngko' yeee.. uhuuuuu baru teringat.. dah 2 hari ibu x minum susu.. patut arrr.. sian bby A yeee....
Thursday, February 11, 2010

(petikan diambil dr
Monday, February 08, 2010
Minggu 29
bby A sihat.. Ibu pon sihat... Ibu nya BP normal.. ari ni 115/75... normal sgt2 kata gyena.
berat ibu dah naik 12.5kg.. menjadi 55.5kg.. hehhee ibu byk mkn kot.. ahaksss
bby A lak dah berat 1.43kg.. uhuu patut lar ibu dah x larat bdn skrg ni.. rupanya bby ibu dah berat yaaa..
hah x pe.. bagus... nnt ibu mkn lg.. bg kat bby A mkn ok syg..
tadi masa doc check bby A... ibu nampak pipi bby A sama mcm abah larrr.. tembam semacam.. hehehehe tapi comei sgt.
singgah bangi jap td... sementara tunggu abah g update buku akaun Tabung Haji, ibu g arr jengguk2 kat kedai Anakku tu.. wow... SALE sampai 50% tuu... ibu tgk stroller ada less 30%... uhuuu murah2.... biasa2 10% ja... hermm... tanya2 gak kat saleman tu.. woooo byk cara guna die rupanya... hehheh bagus2... menarik.. cuma RM289 ja.. brand Disney.. waaahhh teruja2.. hehheeee
Thursday, February 04, 2010
akhirnya dapat gak nama yg sesuai
akhirnya dpt gak nama yg sesuai utk baby kami nih...
kalo ikut2 buku mmg ada makna lah... tp lom sempat nak rujuk kat mana2 ustaz.
so skrg... udah ada nama A...... F...... Bt Mohamad Faiz
hehhee so skrg Ibu panggil Bby A lah yeee..
Sunday, January 24, 2010
kueh TALAM gula merah
Monday, January 18, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Perasaan... hari ini
apa ek nak wat ari ni... YM? mls... FB? mls.... erm.... yeh... haku nak study.. the only one subjek yg haku amik sem ni... bhs mandarin BMD151... uhuuu kena study dr awal nih.. sbb sem lepas haku main2.. hehhe tp sebenarnya x main2 sgt pon.. sibuk ngan majlis kenduri nikah kami.. pastu tup... tup... ada rezeki kami ... haku pregnant... hehheeee tu yg x leh nak fokus kat study sgt... but this time i`ll make sure haku lulus ngan jayanya 1 subjek yg haku amik ni.. nampak mcm susah... ye arr bhs asing bg kita org melayu... uhuuuu... i`ll try it...
Thursday, January 07, 2010
24 Minggu